Understanding hormones

Symptoms of an Estrogen Deficiency

During menopause, symptoms of estrogen deficiency can become apparent.Estrogen and testosterone are the most important hormones in the body. These chemical messengers regulate a wide variety of functioning, from your brain activity to sex drive, and if this is tampered with, it can have negative effects on your body. During menopause, fluctuations are at a high and symptoms of estrogen deficiency can become apparent.

Over time, your estrogen levels taper off and it can become obvious that you need to rebalance your levels. Whether it is a deficiency of estrogen or testosterone, there will be signs and symptoms and there can be long-term consequences. Here are ten of the most common symptoms of estrogen deficiency in menopausal women.

Top 10 Common Symptoms for Estrogen Deficiency

Night sweats. Along with their daytime variety, hot flashes, night sweats are a common symptom of unbalanced hormones. Waking up with the bed soaked with sweat, in addition to leading to sleep disorders, is a complaint heard from many women who are struggling through menopause.

Vaginal dryness. Menopause is all about the reduction of estrogen from the body, as you stop the reproductive cycle to which you have become accustomed. With estrogen dropping, your vaginal walls thin, and dryness can occur as a result. This is a certain sign of a distinct lack in estrogen, which needs to be addressed.

Loss of libido. Sometimes a side effect of vaginal dryness, which makes sex uncomfortable, a lack of sex drive is another common complaint from menopausal women. Although usually linked to testosterone, your libido is also connected to estrogen levels.

Anxiety. This psychological and physiological state of mind is a worrying time for menopausal women and can lead to depression.

Mood swings. Putting a strain on all of your relationships, both personal and professional, irritability and mood swings are some of the most frustrating signs of menopause. They are defined by the extreme fluctuations, which may lead to a change of mind.

Hair loss. During menopause can be traumatic, devastating, and embarrassing for the millions of women who suffer from it.

Weight gain. Generally around the midsection, this weight gain is a product of a slowing metabolism and can be a difficult part of menopause to manage.

Irregular heartbeat. Many menopausal women report episodes of heart palpitations, irregular heartbeat, or pounding pulse. This sensation can sometimes signal a medical problem.

Concentration difficulties. Does your mind wander more than normal? Struggling to focus at work? Hormone levels may be the source.

Arthritis. The stiffening of your joints is an annoying and painful problem and may also be a sign of osteoporosis.

More about Estrogen Deficiency and Menopause

Those are just some of the major symptoms that go hand in hand with estrogen deficiency. Alongside them are many others and once they have been identified, you should look into treatment for your deficiency. Click on the following link to find out more about estrogen imbalance treatments.

Reviewed on Thursday, July 18th, 2013
