4 Exercises to Naturally Boost Your Hormone Levels

Updated: Jun 18, 2020

Hormones are chemical messengers that are transported in the bloodstream, and instigate changes in the body. The hormones estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are responsible for those changes that take place in menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. Hormones exist in a delicate balance, designed to interact seamlessly to put these changes in motion.

4 Exercises to Naturally Boost Your Hormone Levels

Keeping your hormones healthy is vital for your everyday health. When hormones become imbalanced, they can bring about unpleasant and uncomfortable symptoms such as hot flashes, fatigue, headaches, and nausea. It is important to maintain a healthy endocrine, or hormonal system, to keep these symptoms at bay and to ensure that you do not develop other, more serious, hormone-related health conditions.

Recent studies have shown that exercise is an effective way to maintain your hormonal health. Read on to discover four types of exercise that will help keep your body looking healthy and your endocrine system feeling happy.



Swimming regularly is a good form of cardiovascular exercise. It exercises muscles all over your body, and gets your heart rate up and your blood pumping. This will keep your circulatory, as well as your endocrine system in good order.



The advantage of running as a form of exercise is that it is free, it can fit in with your schedule and gives you the opportunity to get outdoors and get some fresh air. As with swimming, the impact of doing cardiovascular exercise is beneficial for your circulatory health, as well as your hormone levels.


Team Sports

Swimming will help you to balance your hormone levels

Joining a team gives you the opportunity not only to get regular exercise, but also to try something new and meet new people. You will get all the same bodily benefits of swimming, running, or going to the gym, but belonging to a team will give you the motivation to exercise, keeping your body, and hormones in good order.



If you are not too enthusiastic about the idea of team sports or exercise for the sake of exercise, starting a dance class can be a fun and social way to get some exercise. There are a variety of dance classes available according to your preference and musical taste, ranging from salsa and tango to ballroom and ballet.

It is important to keep your natural hormones in a fit and healthy state, and exercise is one way of achieving this. There are many other ways you can look after your hormones and address any hormonal imbalances that might occur. These techniques and treatments range from lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise routines, to alternative therapies, herbal medicines, and even hormonal replacement therapy (HRT).

Click on the following link if you want to know more about how to handle hormonal imbalance.

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